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Why some patients are at risk for failed spinal decompression by Orthopedic and Neurosurgeons but would be better treated with InSpan


Updated: Jan 28

This is a patient who is set up for L4 nerve compression, especially with back extension, who could get temporary relief from facet nerve blocks and epidurals but may ultimately undergo posterior decompressive laminectomy by an Orthopedic surgeon or Neurosurgeon and would not be better.  However, if this patient were treated with Inspan, the foraminal height would be increased and held opened in extension due to the central hub of the Inspan interspinous interlaminar fixation device.  It is very difficult to get full decompression of the foramen using Kerrison rongeurs and in severe stenosis, you are at risk of injuring the L4 nerve root and causing a foot drop.  It is important to look for a positive Kemp sign during physical examination in these patients in the presence of a normal neurological exam, a negative straight leg raise test and a negative Valsalva test. 

A Kemp sign is represented as unilateral radicular pain from foraminal stenosis that is worse by back extension.


  1. IFU Indicated for SPINAL STENOSIS and FUSION from T1-S1.

  2. Great distraction versus removing bone with Kerrisons to open the canal and foramen tension the ligamentum flavum since you remove the interspinous ligaments.

  3. Flexibility to pick your size from 8 mm to 20 mm

  4. Strong stabilization of the facets to treat facetogenic back pain and achieve facet fusion if needed

  5. Avoid spinous process fractures in an older population

  6. EASY to put in EASY to unlock take out

  7. MIDLINE MINI-OPEN decompression

  8. Minimally invasive percutaneous instruments

  9. NO INTRAMUSCULAR dissection

  10. Contoured fit to lamina

  11. VERY LOW PROFILE sits against the SP so no muscle irritation we see with pedicle screws that sit in the muscles

  12. Great fusion bed between the decorticated spinous process to fill with NanoFUSE Biologics plus packed over the facets for lateral fusion

  13. Over 10-year peer-reviewed clinical follow-up published data

  14. More than one design for different patient sizes and pathology

  15. Training and support by board-certified orthopedic spine surgeons in case you need to defend your treatment.

  16. Inspan is NOT FDA cleared to be used with screws.

InSpan LLC is privately owned by the KICVentures Group and is focused on advancing the platform of patented interspinous interlaminar fixation technology. The InSpan device has a proven ten-year track record with thousands implanted since FDA clearance in 2010. There are no documented device-related failures or spinous process fractures that have plagued other competitive ISP devices.

Our founders have been investing in spine surgery 2000 makes us the most experienced healthcare investment holding company with the largest portfolio of medical device technologies focused on solutions for less invasive outpatient spine surgery. Our investment strategy is to acquire or invent disruptive technologies using our own capital or partner with private individual investors. This allows us the freedom to make quick and nimble decisions such as when we acquired AxioMed Viscoelastic Disc Technologies while other companies invested in spinal fusion.


Dr. Kingsley R. Chin MBA is a board-certified Professor of Orthopedic Spine Surgery and honors graduate of Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Combined Orthopedic Residency Program. He did his spine fellowship with Dr. Henry H Bohlman. He was Chief of Spine Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania.


Dr. Jason A. Seale MBA is a medical doctor and entrepreneur. He is the clinical director at the LES Clinic.

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